Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tax Day Rall(e)ys

Tomorrow is Tax Day, and people are organizing "Tea Parties" to protest unrestrained government spending. These rallies are taking place from sea to shining sea, and the scope of this protest is relatively new. This has led some sheep-minded liberals to assert that this is conservative astroturfing specifically organized to foment opposition to Obama's fiscal policies. However, as a former Ron Paul supporter, I recall similar protests endorsed by Dr. Paul in 2008 and 2007 (original site is 404'ed). My initial reaction to this was, overall, positive. As an anarchist, I deny theft by the state in any form, taxes being the most common. However, I will not participate in these protests for two reasons.

First, the people organizing and participating in these protests are statists, and are okay with being considered government property, they just want fewer and lower rates of state theft.

Second, I will not associate with any of these people.

And, just for fun, here's a picture promoting the tea party in Peoria, IL before...


and after some grammatical revision...


Maybe they burned the dictionaries with the rest of the books? Or maybe they pay so much in taxes that they can't afford a program with spell-check? Or maybe they're just a bunch of anti-intellectual morons who don't like black presidents. Considering what the video showed, I'd tend toward the latter.

However, I will be attending the rall(e)y tomorrow to tape the antics I hope to witness.

I can totally understand why they're mad as hell

about the state of their country. However what they fail to recognize is that the measures the wish implemented don't put liberty first, they just negotiate with fascism.

NOTE: As I'm writing this, my grandfather is watching a FOX News report about how the Department of Homeland Security just released a report about these protests, intimating that they are "right-wing radicals". Here's the report: WARNING PDF. Where was the outrage at FOX when PBR's (People Besides Republicans) protested terrible statist policies?

Jesus fucking Christ, they arrested a FUCKING JOURNALIST!!!!!!

They must have been covering the real news instead.