Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Fall of Capitalism?
My interview with the CO$
When I returned that evening, I was greeted by a fresh faced thirtysomething, who called the man I had spoken to earlier in his office. She took a few minutes to introduce me to a piece of Scientology propaganda, “Overcoming Up's and Down's In Life”, which I later found out cost $82 including the corresponding course. After pretending to take notes in the notebook that I had brought with me, I she returned the book to it's proper place on the shelf. I tried to ask her why she became a Scientologist, but she brushed off the question, saying that she was very busy. After that little exchange Mr. Smith came in and escorted me down a short hallway into his office.
Behind his desk was a huge bookcase that stretched wall to wall, filled with L.R.H. propaganda, including roughly 16 red volumes of technical bulletins and about nine black books covering management techniques and applied Scientology. At least that's what he told me. Dotted around the walls were various diplomas from the CO$. One declared him to be a Level V Auditor, and he had a Doctorate in Scientology.
We spoke briefly about his background and why he went into Scientology. He served as a medic in the European theater of WWII, and was living in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1950 when he attended a lecture at his alma mater, UC Berkeley. It was about Dianetics, of course. A friend of his had previously lent him Dianetics, and he wanted to learn more. “That lecture changed my life”, he said. After the lecture, he approached the lecturer about getting an audit. Audits cost, in 1950 dollars, about $500. “Even if you had the money, there are only 29 certified Auditors in the world, and most of them are on the East Coast. But, we are currently building a facility in LA.”, the lecturer said. The Hubbard School of Scientology was being constructed in Los Angeles. The auditing classes and services there were free, so long as new auditors would work for the CO$. He had to borrow $500 from his friend to get to LA. In exchange, he agreed to audit his friend pro bono after he took the course.
He told me he has been continuously auditing and supervising for 57 years, and has achieved OT VIII. He also was instructed by L. Ron Hubbard himself, and has a picture of him with L.R.H. hanging to the left of his desk. I asked him a few more questions: “What are the main holy books of Scientology?” He responded quickly, “We don't call them 'holy books'. We call them the 'basic books'. There are thousands of books, but only 18 basic books.” These books occupied the lower shelves of his bookcase. Many looked to be over 500 pages.
“Is there a system of rank or hierarchy in Scientology?” His response was to bring out a large sheet of the various organizations and groups within the CO$ and their relationships to each other. It was a complex hierarchy that made no mention of the Loyal Officers or any other “high-level” entity.
After I followed with some other docile questions about his time with the CO$, etc... I turned to some other more...hostile questions. I prefaced this new breed of inquiry by claiming that my editor gave me some other questions to ask, and that he following questions were not mine but his.
“Who was Xenu?”, I asked.
Mr. Smith bristled at this question, obviously caught off-guard by a question aimed at high-level information allegedly unattainable by the public. “There are groups, hackers, on the internet who try to disseminate information that attempts to discredit the teachings of Mr. Hubbard and Scientology.”, he replied. I apologized, saying, “I'm sorry if these are stupid or irrelevant questions, but I have to ask them.”
“Who were the Loyal Officers?”, I asked.
He replied with the same line as before, claiming “hackers” propagated this strange information in an attempt to discredit Scientology.
I noticed he was getting a little hostile after that last question, so I decided to cut our time short. I stood up and told him, “I'm what you call an SP. I feel it's my duty to let you know that there will be a protest outside your building February 10th.”
I marched out of his office and right out the front door, thanking the secretary for her help. I walked to my car and drove away, taking in what I had just done.
I never expected to have the opportunity to “interview” someone who was in as deep as Mr. Smith. I went home and typed out my notes, trying to excavate useful tidbits from my faulty memory as images and events faded, forever lost. I have a bad memory :-)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
John F. Harris and Jim Vandehei both said it more eloquently than I ever could. "The ascent of an African-American to the presidency — a victory by a 47-year-old man who was born when segregation was still the law of the land across much of this nation — is a moment so powerful and so obvious that its symbolism needs no commentary."
It's time to look ahead to see what this new mandate from the voters could drive a democratic Washington to do. It's also time to stake out predictions for the next election! I know it might seem too early, but this was my SUPERBOWL!!!!
Hilary Clinton is going to keep her Senate seat in New York City. Obama may help raise funds to help her repay her campaign debts. She will sit in Congress and either author or endorse important legislation that will help her differentiate herself from the President-Elect, but will not go more right than she is now. She will not run against Obama in 2012. If Joe Biden is President when we are in the 2012 election cycle, then something terrible has happened and she will portray herself as Mr. Obama's political heir, and may run in 2016 on a platform of "continuing the radical change Pres. Obama began back in 2008.".
Palin will high-tail it to Alaska and cultivate a reputation of good governance. She will hire political consultants to help her distance herself from the moronic comments she's made during this campaign. If she cannot cast off that albatross, then when she runs in 2012, AND SHE WILL, she will lose the primary. If she is able to portray herself as well-informed and intelligent, then she will be a force to be reckoned with. Many pundits say that the Reagan era is over, but I think that Sarah Palin could win in 2012 if she makes the right decisions now. The evangelical vote isn't going away, folks. They will vote for someone with the background and beliefs that she has. Right-wing evangelical groups will begin planning fundraising events for her very, very, VERY soon.
On the subject of the "Reagan Era", many experts believe Obama's victory marks the end of the Conservative Revolution. I strongly disagree. We need only look at the various ultra-conservative ballot propositions, the most famous being Prop. 8 in California. Most of these referendums succeeded, and that tells us two things:
1. Obama's election reflects the public's disgust with the last administration. People didn't feel comfortable electing McCain, someone portrayed by his rival as practically the same thing as our current President. More people voted against their values or party for Obama, than others did for McCain. People were desperate enough for change that they voted for Obama instead of their party's nominated successor to Bush.
2. Those same people are the ones who voted for these ballot propositions. There are plenty of conservatives in the country, and they aren't going away anytime soon.
Obama will have to implement his policies very quickly after his inauguration.
The Legislature will push through almost anything Obama wants within 6 months of his inauguration. After that, their enthusiasm will be tempered with their concern over their reelection campaigns, and legislation will take on a strong moderate flavor.
Obama's economic plans will include another stimulus package within 1 year of inauguration.
Obama will be President during another act of aggression from russia. We will send aid, but will not deploy soldiers. NATO will not allow Georgia in.
Obama will not break his promise of a withdrawal of armed forces in Iraq. The withdrawal will end in 2010. Iraq will fall apart, but he CANNOT break that campaign promise, unless he plans on being a one-term President.
He will win in 2012 unless he has been murdered, or has not withdrawn forces from Iraq, or has mishandled another notable terrorist attack, or if there is a huge market crash within a year of the 2012 election, even if it isn't his fault.
Obama will PROBABLY not be assassinated...
If Obama is assassinated by a white male, it will be like Martin Luther King's murder all over again. Chicago, Detriot, Washington D.C. will be a war zones. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson will not take strong positions against violence. The black community will be rightly outraged, but will turn to violence. I could not expect them to refrain from doing so. If any group of people had a long history of being discriminated against, lynched, and downtrodden, and surviving to see one of their own voted President of the United States, only to see him murdered, they would do the same thing.
A Joe Biden administration would be very different from an Obama presidency. He would not honor all of Obama's promises, but would not make any unnecessary attempts to keep our troops in Iraq. He would face Sarah Palin (that is if Mrs. Palin can clean up her image by that time) in 2012 and win, due to the ill-will against whites. Joe Biden would have to carry on Obama's image as a reformer.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Answer The Call
Fellow citizens, there is a crisis in America today. Our generation has found its task. Like our brave forefathers who enlisted out of love of country and a sense of duty after Pearl Harbor, we also must answer the urgent siren call sounding around the nation. This crisis was made apparent during the recent major party conventions in Denver and St. Paul, during which innocent journalists and peaceful protesters were detained and imprisoned without cause, and with extreme prejudice. While our brave men and women fight in Afghanistan to free a people enslaved by an abhorrent abomination of the peaceful faith of Islam, while our nation's finest soldiers, no, the World's finest soldiers struggle against an enemy indistinguishable from a crowd of civilans in Iraq, while our sons and daughters are deceived by silver-tongued recruiters who talk of “seeing the world” and “defending our freedom” and sent to the streets of Baghdad to continue an illegal occupation that was perpetrated on the premise of securing stores of “weapons of mass destruction”, there is a crisis in America. We need our troops here, as civic-minded citizens of conscience and discipline, whose skills we are in desperate need of.
This crisis is an urgent one, in need of immediate and passionate attention. Unemployment, unacceptable wealth disparity, lazy or incompetent public servants, an unjust war draining the youth and talent of the nation, out-of-control spending, private profit and public debts, and the endless encroachment of the liberties and freedoms we as Americans and as Human Beings hold dear... All of these issues require our action. YOU can help save America. The United States was born out of the blood and treasonous action of brave, fearless men who valued freedom above all else. We too, the residents and citizens of America, are in desperate need of another American Revolution. We too must place our freedom and liberty above
Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor
Proposed Legislative Measures
2.Earmarks: Earmarks and other additions or changes to bills that have been read according to the RTBA shall be guilty of public deception, a crime which carries with it a minimum penalty of one year in prison and a fine equivalent to that legislator's net income for the last two years.
3.Legislator salary: All legislators shall be paid a salary equivalent to the median income in the United States from the last Census. No aide, assistant, secretary, or any employee or contractor under employment with the Legislative branch of the United States Government shall be paid more than that amount.
4.Legislator benefits: All legislators shall be part of the Social Security system, or whatever like system is in place. No funded retirement or benefits program exclusive to Legislators or elected officials shall be allowed.
5.Lobbyists: No legislator shall be allowed to accept gifts from anyone except family members if that gift exceeds $1000. No legislator's family members shall be allowed to accept gifts from any party affiliated with any political party, advocacy group, or lobbying firm or lobbyist. No legislator shall be allowed to accept any gifts of greater value than $5000 annually(excluding gifts from family members). If a legislator is guilty of such behavior, than he/she shall be guilty of undue compensation, a crime that carries with it a minimum penalty of two years in prison and a fine equivalent to the amount that the legislator received in gifts exceeding the amount allowed, multiplied by number of times such behavior has been perpetrated by the individual in his or her lifetime.
6.Term limits: No elected official shall be allowed to serve more than two consecutive terms.
7.Proceedings: All legislators must attend Congressional proceedings in their entirety at least 80% of the time.
8.Naming of legislation: No legislation shall be referred to by legislators or lobbyists or in any ads connected to any such groups, by any name other than the file number of that particular bill.
9.Periodic Investigations: All departments of government shall be subject to thorough investigation to determine illegal activity every five years. All legislators shall be subject to thorough investigation to determine illegal activity within the first year of their term and again within the last year of their term. All Presidents shall launch investigations looking into actions taken by the previous administration. Investigations shall be subject to the oversight of the GAO.
10.Proposed amendment: Congress shall not pass any legislation that violates the Constitutional Rights of any citizen. The President shall veto any legislation that violates the Constitutional Rights of any citizen. Any legislator or executive that approves, fails to hinder to the fullest of his/her ability, or votes for any measure that is determined to violate any Constitutionally protected right shall be guilty of Constitutional treason, a charge that carries with it a minimum penalty of death.
11.Banishment From Public Office: Any legislator that votes yes or abstains from voting on legislation that is concluded to be in violation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court of the United States of America shall be barred from holding any elected or appointed office in perpetuity. They shall also be imprisoned for at least two years.
12.Mandated Congressional Subpoenas: Any person who does not appear before Congress when mandated to do so shall be taken into custody by any law enforcement official and imprisoned immediately until they submit to the subpoena.
13.Campaign Honesty: Any elected official that is determined by a court of law to have lied in campaign ads shall be barred from holding any elected or appointed office in perpetuity.
14.Honest Public Servants: Any elected or appointed official that is determined by a court of law to have lied to any citizen of the United States concerning any public or secret matter shall be barred from holding any elected or appointed office in perpetuity.
15.Ballot Options: An additional entry shall be placed on every ballot for every public office. That entry shall read, “None of the Above.” If that option is voted for by the simple majority of the voters, then another election shall take place six weeks from the date of that election. All people who were on the first election's ballots shall not be allowed to run or be voted for in the replacement election. All write-in votes for such individuals shall be discarded.
16.Enforcing Enforcement: Any agent of a state, municipal, county, or federal government that fails to enforce the law shall be barred from holding public office in perpetuity.
17.Nepotism: No family member within three degrees of separation to any elected or formerly elected official shall be allowed to serve in any elected or appointed position.
18.Signing Statements: No President or Governor shall be allowed to use any form of signing statement.
19.Declarations of War or Armed Conflict: Any conflict between the United States and any organized or disorganized internal or international group besides that conflict which is a direct result of defensive actions taken by US military personnel shall first be voted on in an Official Declaration of War. Such a declaration shall include the exact parties or groups to be targeted.
20.Wartime Suspension or Modification of Laws: All modifications to domestic or international law made in order to facilitate the waging of war or armed conflict against any party or parties, shall be prescribed in a limited fashion for a limited time, after which there shall be a nationwide ballot initiative to mandate an extension, suspension or termination of such modifications.
21.Presidential Election Debates: All Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates who can submit a petition of inclusion for the Presidential or Vice-Presidential debates with at least two million signatures by March 15 of the election year shall be included in every private and public debate between presidential or vice-presidential candidates.
Any input is welcome, let me know what you think.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ted Stevens INDICTED
AP Story
Another AP Story
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Change the change with some changalicious changedy CHANGE!
But what are we going to do about it?
I will outline in the next few posts several legislative and executive acts that I believe would improve our international standing and our domestic circumstances.
It is more a thought experiment in public policy than anything else.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Pickens Plan
You might have seen his advertisements on television recently. T. Boone Pickens , a former oil-man from Texas is touting a cocktail of solar and wind power, supplemented by natural gas as a stop-gap replacement for gasoline, as the future of energy in America. His ads are powerful and make obvious good points. He is supporting proven technologies in greater abundance than they are utilized today. He is financing a public movement towards greener and more independent energy that could influence the next administration or the impotent Congress. All this seems too good to be true, doesn't it? All of this progress, all of this to create public awareness of an issue that is at odds with the numerous accomplishments of his entire personal and professional life?
I've signed up to support this public campaign. I encourage you to do so as well.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
In the meantime, follow me on twitter @ https://twitter.com/blututh