1.Read the Bills Act: Every bill be read in both Houses of Congress in its entirety before Congress can vote on it. Every bill to be voted on must be published online for at least 7 days before a vote is taken. Every member of Congress must sign a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that they have read, or heard read, the full bill to be voted on.
2.Earmarks: Earmarks and other additions or changes to bills that have been read according to the RTBA shall be guilty of public deception, a crime which carries with it a minimum penalty of one year in prison and a fine equivalent to that legislator's net income for the last two years.
3.Legislator salary: All legislators shall be paid a salary equivalent to the median income in the United States from the last Census. No aide, assistant, secretary, or any employee or contractor under employment with the Legislative branch of the United States Government shall be paid more than that amount.
4.Legislator benefits: All legislators shall be part of the Social Security system, or whatever like system is in place. No funded retirement or benefits program exclusive to Legislators or elected officials shall be allowed.
5.Lobbyists: No legislator shall be allowed to accept gifts from anyone except family members if that gift exceeds $1000. No legislator's family members shall be allowed to accept gifts from any party affiliated with any political party, advocacy group, or lobbying firm or lobbyist. No legislator shall be allowed to accept any gifts of greater value than $5000 annually(excluding gifts from family members). If a legislator is guilty of such behavior, than he/she shall be guilty of undue compensation, a crime that carries with it a minimum penalty of two years in prison and a fine equivalent to the amount that the legislator received in gifts exceeding the amount allowed, multiplied by number of times such behavior has been perpetrated by the individual in his or her lifetime.
6.Term limits: No elected official shall be allowed to serve more than two consecutive terms.
7.Proceedings: All legislators must attend Congressional proceedings in their entirety at least 80% of the time.
8.Naming of legislation: No legislation shall be referred to by legislators or lobbyists or in any ads connected to any such groups, by any name other than the file number of that particular bill.
9.Periodic Investigations: All departments of government shall be subject to thorough investigation to determine illegal activity every five years. All legislators shall be subject to thorough investigation to determine illegal activity within the first year of their term and again within the last year of their term. All Presidents shall launch investigations looking into actions taken by the previous administration. Investigations shall be subject to the oversight of the GAO.
10.Proposed amendment: Congress shall not pass any legislation that violates the Constitutional Rights of any citizen. The President shall veto any legislation that violates the Constitutional Rights of any citizen. Any legislator or executive that approves, fails to hinder to the fullest of his/her ability, or votes for any measure that is determined to violate any Constitutionally protected right shall be guilty of Constitutional treason, a charge that carries with it a minimum penalty of death.
11.Banishment From Public Office: Any legislator that votes yes or abstains from voting on legislation that is concluded to be in violation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court of the United States of America shall be barred from holding any elected or appointed office in perpetuity. They shall also be imprisoned for at least two years.
12.Mandated Congressional Subpoenas: Any person who does not appear before Congress when mandated to do so shall be taken into custody by any law enforcement official and imprisoned immediately until they submit to the subpoena.
13.Campaign Honesty: Any elected official that is determined by a court of law to have lied in campaign ads shall be barred from holding any elected or appointed office in perpetuity.
14.Honest Public Servants: Any elected or appointed official that is determined by a court of law to have lied to any citizen of the United States concerning any public or secret matter shall be barred from holding any elected or appointed office in perpetuity.
15.Ballot Options: An additional entry shall be placed on every ballot for every public office. That entry shall read, “None of the Above.” If that option is voted for by the simple majority of the voters, then another election shall take place six weeks from the date of that election. All people who were on the first election's ballots shall not be allowed to run or be voted for in the replacement election. All write-in votes for such individuals shall be discarded.
16.Enforcing Enforcement: Any agent of a state, municipal, county, or federal government that fails to enforce the law shall be barred from holding public office in perpetuity.
17.Nepotism: No family member within three degrees of separation to any elected or formerly elected official shall be allowed to serve in any elected or appointed position.
18.Signing Statements: No President or Governor shall be allowed to use any form of signing statement.
19.Declarations of War or Armed Conflict: Any conflict between the United States and any organized or disorganized internal or international group besides that conflict which is a direct result of defensive actions taken by US military personnel shall first be voted on in an Official Declaration of War. Such a declaration shall include the exact parties or groups to be targeted.
20.Wartime Suspension or Modification of Laws: All modifications to domestic or international law made in order to facilitate the waging of war or armed conflict against any party or parties, shall be prescribed in a limited fashion for a limited time, after which there shall be a nationwide ballot initiative to mandate an extension, suspension or termination of such modifications.
21.Presidential Election Debates: All Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidates who can submit a petition of inclusion for the Presidential or Vice-Presidential debates with at least two million signatures by March 15 of the election year shall be included in every private and public debate between presidential or vice-presidential candidates.
Any input is welcome, let me know what you think.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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